about me

Welcome to my little corner of the internet

where mom life meets NICU! I am a proud girl mom to 2 fiery, fabulous daughters and a NICU nurse who thrives in the chaos of tiny toes and beeping monitors. Whether I am wrangling preteens or caring for the tiniest fighters, life is never dull! Stick around for real talk, heartfelt moments, and a little bit of organized chaos.

Motherhood and NICU nursing may seem like 2 separate worlds but trust me- they have a lot in common. Both require patience, resilience, a caffeine addiction, and the ability to function on very little sleep. One moment, I am advocating for the tiniest patients in the hospital and the next I’m negotiating with my tiny humans over why they can’t wear shorts to school when it is 20 degrees outside. It’s a wild ride but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Let’s start with the basics; everyone calls me Amber. I’ve been married to my husband for 13 years and we have 2 beautiful daughters that are 8 and 6. My youngest daughter, Isla, was born 36 weeks gestation and spent 9 days in the NICU. After my experience with her in the NICU, I decided that was what I wanted to do. So, at the ripe ‘ol age of 36, I went to nursing school.

Nursing school started for me in February of 2020…we can all remember what happened in March 2020 right?? Global pandemic plus a newborn and a toddler at home equaled chaos! I managed to survive and graduated in 2022!!

I got my first job working in the mother/baby unit of my hospital. I took care of the mothers and the babies postpartum. Just 6 months later, I moved into a role that I loved so much!! I became, what my hospital calls, a transition nurse. Now, that means, I attended all deliveries (C-section and vaginal) and assessed the newborns for 2 hours before transferring care to a nursery nurse. I loved this role so much!! I attended 300 birthday parties in 1.5 years. That’s gotta be a record!

I was finally able to make my way into the NICU just 6 months ago and I love life so much!!

So, whether you’re a fellow NICU nurse, a mom navigating the beautiful chaos of raising little ones, or just someone looking for a mix of heart, humor and real-life moments, you’re in the right place. This space is all about sharing the highs, the lows, and the in-between moments that make both motherhood and nursing so incredibly rewarding. Grab some wine, coffee (or reheat the one you forgot about), or water and let’s do this together!